Mihos: Politics as usual would not be in store
Cape Cod Times
Lawton was trying to open a Boys and Girls Club in Brockton, he said, and he knew if there was one person who would help, it was Mihos.
'I don't think he's made this public, but he gave the Boys and Girls Club of Brockton the money to start,' Lawton said.
'He didn't argue that we don't need a Boys and Girls Club, like some people did. Or, that the YMCA was taking care of the need. He didn't flinch. He didn't take a breath. Christy gave us a check for $15,000. He saw that as a great way to serve.'
Read the full article...
October 26, 2006 | 11:04 AM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos criticizes choice of Bechtel to inspect repairs
Independent gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos blasted the Healey/Romney administration on Tuesday for assigning Big Dig management consultant Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff ("Bechtel") to inspect the failed I-90 connector tunnel.
"Having Bechtel return to inspect the tunnels is like giving the prime suspect in an on-going investigation direct access to the crime scene," Mihos said Tuesday. "Bechtel was charged with direct oversight of the construction and materials that failed, and they were also charged with certifying that the work had been completed properly. This is absolute incompetence at the highest level of government."
October 24, 2006 | 5:45 PM | comments: 0 | More News
AP Interview: Mihos pledges lay off up to 8,000 state workers
Steve LeBlanc
Associated Press Writer
Independent gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos said he would lay off up to 8,000 state workers and use some of the estimated $400 million in savings to pay for programs like free tuition at all the state's community colleges.
Mihos, the independent candidate for governor, told The Associated Press in an interview on Monday that he would target top level and mid-level managers in state government. The pledge to eliminate 8,000 jobs amounts to about 12 percent of the work force at state agencies.
Read the full article...
October 23, 2006 | 10:03 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Partisan swipe at Proposition 1?
Originally printed in The Boston Globe, October 20, 2006
BARBARA ANDERSON'S attempt to discredit Christy's Proposition One ("The tax debate comes full circle," op-ed, Oct. 14) is transparent to those who are familiar with Anderson and her organization, Citizens for Limited Taxation. Further, she is on record as a Kerry Healey supporter, so I strongly question whether she is capable of offering an unbiased opinion. Also, because she is not a lawyer, Anderson is unqualified to offer a legal opinion on constitutionality. We have two legal opinions that have confirmed the legality of Christy's Proposition One.
Anderson should be expending her efforts on limiting citizens' taxation, rather than acting as a pawn for a failed administration that has raised fees, fines, and taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars. Our proposal will return more than 40 percent of tax revenues to cities and towns, cap property tax assessments, and remove all activity and busing fees from public school systems. It would return money that is stuck on Beacon Hill to cities and towns, and ultimately would make Massachusetts more affordable for its residents.
October 20, 2006 | 1:18 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos questions Turnpike vote to "endorse" eliminating tolls
Independent gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos questioned why the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority rushed through a vote to eliminate tolls on Wednesday when members could only approve the proposal "in principle."
"It seems like Kerry Healey's campaign needed an October surprise, and it's a convenient time to announce something which seems good on the surface but won't be decided until a week after the election," he said. "The timing of the proposal is politically motivated. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I am flattered when Kerry and Deval take my ideas -- the problem is they haven't done anything with my ideas except use them. The people of this state deserve better and will not be fooled by this empty and hollow vote today."
October 18, 2006 | 5:46 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Business thrives if voters do
By Peter J. Howe, Globe Staff
Every four years, Republican and Democratic candidates for governor vie over who'd be the best friend to the business community, especially to Massachusetts' tens of thousands of small businesses.
But as an independent and a small-business owner himself, candidate Christy Mihos has a very different view of what the next governor can best do to help such companies as his 10-store Christy's Markets chain on Cape Cod.
"Don't worry about me," Mihos said in an appearance on "This Week in Business" to be shown on New England Cable News today. "The only thing a governor can do is take away the stress and burden that fall on my customers each and every day. Take away their fees, their fines, their taxes [and] just make it so that people that are coming in to see me are happy and can afford to live here."
Read the full article...
October 15, 2006 | 3:38 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Christy calls on opponents to return Big Dig lobbyist money
Independent gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos is challenging his opponents Deval Patrick and Kerry Healey to return monies donated to their campaigns directly or indirectly from any Big Dig contractors or lobbyists.
Mihos himself has pledged to not accept any money from lobbyists, state employees, state contractors or political action committees, and his campaign ads have not been financed by any groups with contributions from any of those sources. Recent reports have identified how his two opponents' campaigns have been the direct beneficiaries of tens of thousands of dollars from Big Dig contractors and lobbyists.
Democratic Deval Patrick and Republican Kerry Healey have received assistance from companies and lobbyists involved with the $14.6 billion failed project, who have hosted breakfasts and helped pay for campaign advertisements.
October 13, 2006 | 2:02 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos has laugh on Boston Chamber of Commerce
By John J. Monahan
Worcester Telegram & Gazette
When Christy P. Mihos was fighting against abuses by Big Dig contractors as a member of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, the leaders of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, who long favored expansion of the $14.6 billion project, wanted him fired.
Yesterday, he took some obvious enjoyment reminding them where they stood five years ago, returning to the Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast forum as a candidate for governor and lecturing them on the state of the local economy and where he sees it leading.
Read the full article...
October 13, 2006 | 1:55 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Boston Herald rates Mihos's website the best
From zany to dull to over the rainbow, the carefully crafted Web sites of the four people vying to be the next Massachusetts governor reflect their personalities -- for better and for worse.
Read the full article...
October 02, 2006 | 12:46 PM | comments: 0 | More News
We need a clean sweep...
By Moe Lauzier
This morning's Boston Herald has a story telling us Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey wants Christy Mihos out of the future debates with Deval Patrick.
Because Christy Mihos did a good job in the debate.
Read the full article...
September 27, 2006 | 9:21 AM | comments: 0 | More News
Christy injects passion into race
Between the politics of fear and the politics of hope, Christy Mihos made it abundantly clear Monday night that there is plenty of room for the politics of passion.
Room enough, in fact, to drive a figurative 18-wheeler over the only two gubernatorial candidates who are supposed to matter.
Like some inspired character actor, Mihos simply stole the Boston Herald/FOX25 debate away from its two stars, Deval Patrick and Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey.
Read the full Herald column...
September 26, 2006 | 9:00 AM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos presses Healey
A funny thing happened at the forum last night.
Republican Kerry Healey spent the evening trying to highlight differences with Democrat Deval L. Patrick -- but as she did, she found independent candidate Christy Mihos nipping just as determinedly at her own heels.
Read the complete op-ed piece by Boston Globe columnist Scot Lehigh
September 26, 2006 | 8:15 AM | comments: 0 | More News
Christy calls on Healey to stick by her word
In response to a strong performance by Independent gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos at Monday night's gubernatorial debate, Republican candidate Kerry Healey is trying to back off on her commitment to include all candidates from future debates.
"Kerry Healey needs to abide by the debate schedule that she agreed to and give the voters of Massachusetts the right to see and hear from all the candidates for Governor. She should not be trying to deny the candidates an equal opportunity to participate in all debates. She does not get to set or change the rules," Mihos said following Healey's announcement Tuesday.
September 26, 2006 | 8:00 AM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos Calls For Offshore LNG Alternative
At the MIT Environmental Forum held in July, Independent gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos called for the relocation of the LNG terminal in Everett. Mihos is renewing that call due to ongoing security issues surrounding the facility, including a recent incident this past weekend.
September 14, 2006 | 5:48 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos aims to change independents' Mass. record
Independent candidates haven't fared well in Massachusetts politics. In the past century, not one has been elected governor of the state. But Christy Mihos wants to change that.
September 12, 2006 | 10:46 AM | comments: 0 | More News
Christy speaks out on MCAS
"From Mihos comes an attack on Beacon Hill elites -- in this case including Republicans for a change -- imposing their standards on local schools, and on the Republican administration and the Democratic legislature for raising standards while cutting aid."
Watch the NewsCenter 5 Video!
August 31, 2006 | 2:06 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos and Sullivan submit more than 26,000 signatures
Thanks to your support, Christy is officially on the ballot! "The people of Massachusetts have spoken, and their message is loud and clear," Christy said after turning in petitions this afternoon. Of the 26,000 signatures submitted to the Secretary of the Commonwealth this afternoon, 18,193 were certified. Christy and John only needed 10,000 certified signatures to have their names on the ballot in November.
"I'm honored to be on the ballot this November with John Sullivan, and I know the two of us can make this Commonwealth a better place for all residents," Christy said. "I'm excited at this opportunity to represent Massachusetts, and I'm looking forward to meeting more residents, visiting more towns and discussing more issues this fall."
August 23, 2006 | 3:19 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Gov. candidates speak on MCAS
The candidates have appeared together numerous times, including in Williamstown on Aug. 7 at a gathering of the Massachusetts Teachers Association. Their familiarity with each other and their stances was evident last night, as they addressed each other by first name and maintained an air of collegiality.
In his opening remarks, Mihos, as befits the convenience store magnate that he is, offered a sales pitch complete with advertising slogan -- "Christy: Unbossed and Unbought" -- and a brand name -- Christy's Proposition 1 -- his local aid proposal that would send more state dollars to cities and town, and would cap home assessments so people wouldn't feel as strong a pinch from regressive property taxes.
August 22, 2006 | 12:53 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos promises reform if elected governor

Mihos, a former Republican and businessman who has his own chain of convenience stores, experienced corruption firsthand, he said, and if elected governor in the fall, vows to makes sweeping changes in the government.
August 03, 2006 | 11:35 AM | comments: 0 | More News
Mihos: We'll clear signature hurdle
Christy Mihos will clear the hurdle of 10,000 signatures he needs to submit to local elections officials by tomorrow's deadline, his spokeswoman said today.
"We are confident we will be on the November ballot," Mihos' spokeswoman Nicole Nionakis told me today. The signatures must be certified and then submitted to the Secretary of State's office next month.
August 02, 2006 | 4:00 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Embattled Mass. Highways Chief Resigns

The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority chairman, under fire since 12 tons of falling concrete killed a woman in a Big Dig highway tunnel, resigned Thursday after weeks of pressure from the governor.
In an agreement with the state, Matthew Amorello has until Aug. 15 to clean out his office, but he will continue to be paid his $223,000 annual salary through February.
Read the full story...
July 27, 2006 | 11:37 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Christy on the Howie Carr Show

Play the sound files below to hear Christy comment's on the Big Dig leadership crisis with WRKO's Howie Carr, July 26th, 2006.
Part One:
Part Two:
July 26, 2006 | 12:34 PM | comments: 0 | More News
Christy on Keller @ Large
This past weekend, Christy appeared with CBS4 Boston's Jon Keller. Christy spoke with Jon about his campaign, accountability on the Big Dig, and his plans for the Turnpike Authority and the Commonwealth to move forward in the wake of the tunnel collapse tragedy.
Click here to watch Christy on Keller @ Large!
July 25, 2006 | 12:34 PM | comments: 0 | More News